Mechanical Engineering

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Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rathinam Technical Campus (RTC) is established in 2011 and is offering an undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering with 30 seats. Rathinam Technical Campus was approved by Anna University, Chennai, and Affiliated to AICTE, New Delhi.

As the college is located in Industrial City, Mechanical Students are enriched with more practical knowledge, which makes them achieve Core Placements. With a Mechanical background, one can shine in different fields like Design, Production, Robotics, Aeronautical, Space Research, Marine, Automobile, etc. The Department Faculty and students have published more papers in National and International Conferences/Journals. The major areas of research include Biodiesel, Solar Energy, Composite materials, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy-Efficient Technologies, Digital Manufacturing, Robotics, Supply Chain Management, and Lean Manufacturing. Our department has very good infrastructure and well-equipped laboratories. The Department has conventional and research laboratories. Other than the Anna University Curriculum, we have a Product Application center (iLensys – Solar panel installation training center, Godrej Lab, and Robotics Laboratory which helps the students to acquire practical knowledge in core engineering subjects.

Our Department has organized National conferences, workshops,s, and Faculty Development Program funded by various funding agencies. We have conducted workshops on Home appliances using the Product application center (iLensys) and Godrej lab for school, Polytechnic, and Engineering Students. The Department has established an Industrial collaborative training center which is providing training and services in the field of precision manufacturing. Larsen and Toubro & Godrej provide hands-on training that helps the students to become entrepreneurs. Our department has signed many MOUs to train students in various streams of Mechanical Engineering and also that helps the students for Internship, Project, and Placement.

Our Students Participated in National Level conferences/ Workshops in various institutions and secured awards and Prizes. Our department encourages students to participate in various sports activities, and students have won many awards and medals.


To Emerge as a leading influence in Mechanical Engineering education, Research, and advancements driven by Industry, making a substantial contribution to the transformative growth of the Nation.

M1: Deliver top-tier Mechanical Engineering education, promote a culture of research and innovation, and leverage state-of-the-art infrastructure to stay at the forefront of Engineering and Technology.

M2:Nurture future leaders in Mechanical Engineering, empowering them to take on pivotal roles in society and contribute significantly to the nation’s advancement. 

M3:Foster dynamic collaborations with industry, government bodies, and society, ensuring curriculum alignment with evolving industry needs and engaging in targeted outreach activities to bridge the gap between academia and industry for mutual growth. 

Lab Facilities

Computer Aided Machine Drawing Laboratory 

Manufacturing technology Laboratory 

Strength of Materials & Fluid Machinery Laboratory

Metrology and Dynamics Laboratory 

Kinematics & Dynamics Laboratory 

CAD/CAM Laboratory 

Heat Transfer Laboratory 

Engineering Practices Laboratory 

Simulation Laboratory 

Thermal Engineering Laboratory 

Godrej Disha Skill Training Centre 


Vertical I : Modern Mobility Systems
Vertical II : Product and Process Development
Vertical III : Robotics and Automation
Vertical IV : Digital and Green Manufacturing
Vertical V : Process Equipment and Piping Design
Vertical VI : Clean and Green Energy Technologies
Vertical VII : Computational Engineering
Vertical VIII : Diversified Courses Group 1
Vertical IX : Diversified Courses Group 2
Vertical X : Diversified Courses Group 3

Faculty Details


Faculty Publications

S.NoTitle of the paperAuthor/s nameName of the journalYear
1Enhancement of natural fiber-reinforced plastics by polyester and seaweed waste fibersG VijayasekaranMaterials Today: Proceedings (ELSEVIER)2023-2024
2Evaluating the effects of steel and polypropylene fibers reinforced concrete using mechanical testsDr. S SeenivasanMaterials Today: Proceedings (ELSEVIER)2023-2024
3Mechanical properties evaluation of carbon nanotube/sisal fiber/marble dust reinforced polymer based compositesG VijayasekaranMaterials Today: Proceedings (ELSEVIER)2023-2024
4Synergistic Impact of Silane-modified Nano-Caco3 Particles on the Mechanical Behavior of Kevlar Fiber/Epoxy CompositesG VijayasekaranMaterials Protection ISSN 0351-9465; E-ISSN 2466-25852023-2024
5Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Coir Fiber Reinforced Polyethylene CompositesDr. M RajasankarMaterials Today: Proceedings (ELSEVIER)2023-2024
Tribological and mechanical properties investigations on polymer based composites reinforced with bio fillers
A Thirumoorthy
Materials Today: Proceedings (ELSEVIER)
9Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Coir Fiber Reinforced Polyethylene CompositesDr. M Rajasankar  
10Performance studies on proton exchange membrane fuel cell with slightly tapered single flow channel for dissimilar cell potentialsA. ThirumoorthyMaterials Today: Proceedings2022-2023
11Optimisationof Aluminium Alloy Squeeze Cast Parameters Lm 13/ Sic On Mechanical PropertiesA Thirumoorthy and K KandasamyTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)2021-2022
12The Mechanical Behaier effect of FDM process byusing PA6 and PA66for varying its infill density on a rectilinear patternK KandasamyTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)2021-2022
13Performance Analysis and Emission Behaviour on Turbocharger and EGR in BS4 Vehicles based on Fuel EfficiencyG VijayasekaranInternational Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology (IJSART)2021-2022
14Vibrational Behaviour of Kevlar Composite FibreKS Sathish kumarTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)2021-2022
15Influence of Nano Additives in Bio-Diesel Blends: An Experimental AnalysisM. Raja SankarAnnals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology2021-2022
16Involuntary Tyre Heaviness Deflation ArrangementK Kandasamy, A.Thirumoorthy, D.Ramesh,S.Saravana KumarInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2021-2022
17Performance Analysis of Emission Behaviour on Turbocharger And EGR in BS4 Vehicles Based on Fuel EfficiencyG.VijayasekaranInternational Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology2021-2022
18Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Powered by Dual Blended BiodieselM. Raja SankarAnnals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology2021-2022
19Effect and Optimization of Machining Parameters on MRR & SR for Monel 400 material using Taguchi methodB.BabuStudia Rosenthaliana2020-2021
20Automatic Plate WasherK S Sathish KumarInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
21Borewell Rescue SystemK S Sathish Kumar,Dr T Nithiyanandam, S Saravan Kumar ,S SureshInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
22Emission Control With Aqua SilencerM Rajasankar,A Thirumoorthy,D Ramesh,S SureshInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
23Exaggerated Arecademitasse Production ToolDr T Nithiyanandam,S Suresh, S Saravana Kumar , K KandasamyInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
24Hydraulic Comportment PullerA Thirumoorthy,K Kandasamy, S SureshInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
25Mist CleanerM Rajasankar,S Suresh,K Kandasamy ,S Saravana Kumar,M RajasankarInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
26Pedal Power Rice Miller MachineS Saravana Kumar,S Suresh,D Ramesh, Deepu DinesanInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
27Portable Drilling MachineD.RameshInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
28Scrap Collecting MachineS. Saravana Kumar, A.Thirumoorthy, K.Kandasamy, S.SureshInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
29Strategy of Hvac Schemes For Commerical Structure-Jewellery GarageDr.T. Nithiyanandam,S. Saravana Kumar,D.Ramesh,J. SaravananInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
30Temperature Aeration ScrutinyDr M Rajasankar,Stephen LivingtonInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
31Three Alignment Inflatable RetentionM Rajasankar,Deepu Dinesan,A Thirumoorthy,S Saravana KumarInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
32Three Axis Pneumatic DumpingK S Sathish KumarInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
33Vehicle Lift Measured By AndroidK KandasamyInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2019-2020
34Accident Avoiding SystemDr.M.Rajashankar,Deepu Dinesan, J.D. Nallasivam,S. Saravana KumarInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2018-2019
35Electrochemical Micro Machining on Hybrid Metal Matrix CompositesMr. B.BabuInternational Journal of ChemTech Research2018-2019
36Instinctive Inflated Plenteous and Foot Brake Actuation in Advance Rear-EnderA.Thirumoorthy,S. Saravana Kumar,N. Gnanaprakash ,S.SureshInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2018-2019
37Investigation of Electro Chemical Micro Machining Process Parameters on Al- Sicp – Gr Composites Using Taguchi MethodologyMr. B.BabuInternational Journal of ChemTech Research2018-2019
38Lean Manufacturing Issues and Challenges in Manufacturing Process– A ReviewS.Gobinath,Dr. S. DharmalingamInternational Journal of ChemTech Research2018-2019
39Machinablity study on Electrochemical Machining – A ReviewDr. S. DharmalingamInternational Journal of ChemTech Research2018-2019
40Pneumatic Braking SystemS. Suresh,J.D. Nallasivam,K Kandasamy ,A ThirumoorthyInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2018-2019
41Pulses Separor MachineDr. T. NithiyanandhamInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2018-2019
42Strategy and Investigation of Hydraulic Scissor RevitalizationS. Dharmalingam,K. Kandasamy, J.D. Nallasivam ,A. Anish BabuInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2018-2019
43Need & Overview of Electrochemical Micro MachiningB.BabuInternational Journal of ChemTech Research2017-2018
44A Testbed For Anomaly-Based Fault Detection In Pervasive Computing SystemS. DharmalingamAdvances In Natural And Applied Sciences2016-2017
45Automatic Decelerator Using Ultrasonic SensorsS.DharmalingamInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2016-2017
46Design and Fabrication of Stylus Operated By Embedded DesignJ.D. NallasivamInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2016-2017
47Development Enterprise and Manufacture of Mechanical Partition Painiting ContraptionB. BabuInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2016-2017
48Fabrication of Cleaning System for Photovoltaic Panel ArraysB. BabuInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2016-2017
49Flow Analyses of Adaptive AircraftS. DharmalingamAdvances In Natural And Applied Sciences2016-2017
50Vehicle Breakdown Recovery SystemK. Kandasamy, B. Babu, J.D. Nallasivam, G. PadmanabanInternational Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM)2016-2017

Department Newsletter


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2017 – 2021
2018 – 2022
2019 – 2023
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