Computer Science & Engineering (Cybersecurity)
Ensuring Future Protection: Pioneering Advances in Biometrics and Cyber security.”
Future scope of Cyber Security world
Biometrics systems developers, project managers, test engineers, and security consultants work on the design and implementation of bio-metric systems for government agencies and private companies that need systems, programs, and technology in areas such as law enforcement, security, health care, banking, and e-commerce. The FBI is one of the largest employers of bio-metrics graduates. Employers currently seeking biometrics professionals also include government agencies, the military, banks, health care organizations, and technology companies. Alternatively, an aspiring biometrics engineer could pursue a graduate certificate in biometrics, which can often be earned in as little as one year. Courses in these certificate programs may include pattern recognition, data mining, computer graphics, image processing and artificial intelligence.
Lab Facilities

Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms Laboratory

Biometric Data Processing Laboratory